Saturday, July 23, 2011

All for One

“We’re not competing here. It’s like we’re all in a big relay race, and instead of racing you, we’re handing off to you - skills, support, motivation, advice - so you can make it through to the end.”

Let’s face it. I go to an all-girl school, basically. I am okay that I do not want to compete with the amazing writers I’ve met. We are all part of the same program, the same school, the same field. I love what each woman writes, love it for the uniqueness of the ideas, for the formulation of the argument, for the voice inside the story.

How could I undermine what each woman has spent a lifetime creating?

I couldn’t.

And so I made a pact tonight. A secret rite that ensures that each member of my little group continues to write, revise, and care for her work. Every woman belonged in that group. The shy, bold, fiery, motivated, lost, hungry, creative, literary, spiritual, confident, curvy, athletic, caring, careful, wonderful women who make up my program. Especially my year. If things are going to change (and they will always change) we might as well be part of the group that makes the changes.

As a writer, I know I am obsessive, repetitive, highly focused, a little funny, and often annoying. But my work comes from the insane place in my mind where logic shuts off and worlds are born. It’s in this little corner that I shoulder all the experiences that make me an individual and create something from the bundle of pain, joy, and ambivalence. That is the magic of creativity.

“We’re just like you, but different.”

I said this to my friend tonight, or this morning, if you prefer. She is such an amazing writer, but sometimes she needs the outside perspective a friend can bring. Our Children’s Literature program is just what she needs. It’s where a bunch of us gather together to exchange ideas and neuroses and share our lives with each other. We’ve developed a group that wants to keep in touch and keep each of us motivated in our various fields.

“Let me put it this way. We are all climbing a cliff. We each have our own lifeline anchoring us above and below. We have to rely on it to make sure we don’t fall. I guess we would call it a “guideline”. Whatever.  Anyway, the rest of us are climbing around you. We offer a different perspective from our various perspectives hanging on the cliff. If I am above you, I can offer advice on where to go next. You can learn from my mistakes. If I am below you, I can point out areas that look tricky from my viewpoint.  If I am next to you, I can share the handholds and footholds securing me. No matter where I am, I will holler out support to you. I will encourage you. We’re all on the same cliff.”

And so I say, have hope. I am not out to get you. I am on your side:

 “You’re in a tunnel, going around a bend, and you don’t know what’s ahead of you. There is a tiny glow just around the corner and it gives you hope. It may just be a flickering yellow light, dangling from the ceiling, or it may be a beautiful green world growing under the fluorescents.”

Sometimes late nights and amazing risotto make for surprisingly deep conversations.

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